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dc.contributor.advisorRevianto B. Santoso
dc.contributor.authorAhmad Yusuf, 99512047
dc.description.abstractSome might doubt of this title when it have to be realize into a design work, this is such a speculatif project, because the result of a research not have to be absolute, just like a ' puzzle' one research possibly will strengthen the former one, in other wise a research will abort another result of research, by the time they are renewable. In this project the writer try to introduce the other way in handling problems of elder. By psychological approach, this project try to comprehend the most dominant problems of elder. Though death is not the only problems faced by elder, but death have the big share in attitude psychological of someone. By architectural aspect (supporting environment), scale, form, and distance are used here is to create elderly privation.en_US
dc.publisherUniversitas Islam Indonesiaen_US
dc.subjectFasilitas Terapien_US
dc.subjectKecemasan Lansia pada Kematianen_US
dc.subjectPenciptaan Privasi Ruangen_US
dc.subjectTerobservasi untuk Membantu Terapien_US
dc.titleFasilitas Terapi Kecemasan Lansia pada Kematian Penciptaan Privasi Ruang yang Terobservasi untuk Membantu Terapien_US

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