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dc.contributor.authorErwin Herman, 05525013
dc.description.abstractNowday, manufacturing industrial can not separated in our daily life, because almost every goods that we use is produced by using manufacturing system in its production process. To support the production, manufacturing system needs many automation system, so that the products have good quality and can reduce the operators working mistakes. One ofautomation system that we meet is in packaging ofproduct. In this case, the product is toothpaste. The Works principle of packaging machine is similiar with the others one in how tofold the cartons oftoothpaste. This machine uses PLC to control thepneumatic system. And the difference of this machine with another is this one completed ay SCADA system. The results from this research is making tooth paste packaging machinery that can do folding tooth paste box. This machine can be operated in two ways manual control on the machine and using CimonD SCADA software, used serial port rs232. Keyword : Pneumatic, PLC (Programmable Logic Controller), Serial Communication RS232, CimonD SCADA.en_US
dc.publisherUniversitas Islam Indonesiaen_US
dc.subjectPerancangan & Pembuatan Modelen_US
dc.subjectSistem Pneumatiken_US
dc.subjectPengemasan Pasta Gigien_US
dc.subjectKendali PLC (Proses Pelipatan Kemasan)en_US
dc.titlePerancangan & Pembuatan Model Sistem Pneumatik untuk Pengemasan Pasta Gigi dengan Kendali PLC (Proses Pelipatan Kemasan)en_US

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