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dc.contributor.authorNur Aini Hakim, 00513001
dc.description.abstractThe rapid growth of industry in Surabaya can influence the pollution level, especially heavy metal in the surface waters of Surabaya and the ecosystem around it; such as river and marine. Finally, it will give negative impact to human being's health. The objective of this research is to measure the content of some heavy metals which are Hg, Cr, Cu, and Fe metal in the samples of river and sea water, river and sea sediment, Eichhornia crassipes (Mart) Solmms , Rhizophora stylosa , fish Johnius (Johnieops) borneensis, and fish Moolgarda delicates in 12 locations selected of Surabaya surface waters. The method used to analyze the heavy metal are Neutron Activation Analysis (NAA). Water sample, sediment and biota are refined, homogenized, and radiated by neutron flux 1,05 x 10ˡˡ².det-ˡ during twelve hours. Then they are identified by HPGe detector. The research shows that the concentration of the heavy metals in river water does not exceed the thershold according to Perda Surabaya City No. 02 year of 2004 for the IV level which are Hg (0,005 ppm), Cr (1 ppm) and Fe (not regulated), except for drinking water usage. It has Fe concentration which exceeds the threshold (0,3 ppm), Tengah Kali Surabaya (1,1383 ppm) and Hulu Kali Wonokromo (0,4161 ppm). For sea water, most of the locations have Hg and Cr concentrations which exceed the threshold according to Kepmen LH No.51 year of 2004 for the biota Hg (0,001 ppm) and Cr (0,005 ppm). The concentration of Hg for fish Johnius (Johnieops) borneensis and fish Moolgarda delicates have exceeded the threshold according to Kep. Dirjen POM No.03725/B/SK/VTI/89 about the maximum concentrasion of metal pollution in food. Yet, the concentration of heavy metals in sediment, Eichhornia crassipes (Mart) Solmms and Rhizophora stylosa are not regulate, so then heavy metals pollution can be concluded . The concentrations of Hg, Cr, Cu, and Fe in the surface water are smaller than the biota and it reaches the highest level in sediment. The sediment distribution factor (Fd) is bigger than the biota bioaccumulation factor (Fb). As, conclution that Hg, Cr, Cu, and Fetend to be precipitated. Keywords: Neutron Activation Analysis (NAA), Hg, Cr, Fe, distribution factor (Fd), bioaccumulation factor (Fb)en_US
dc.publisherUniversitas Islam Indonesiaen_US
dc.subjectDisrtibusi Pencemaranen_US
dc.subjectLogam (Hg, Cr, Cu dan Fe)en_US
dc.subjectCuplikan Airen_US
dc.subjectBiota di Perairan Surabayaen_US
dc.titleDisrtibusi Pencemaran Logam (Hg, Cr, Cu dan Fe) pada Cuplikan Air, Sedimen, Biota di Perairan Surabayaen_US

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