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dc.contributor.authorKhadaffi, Hazad Mustofa
dc.description.abstractPre design of Liquified Methane Gas (LMG) with 1000.000 ton/year capacities is made to fullfill the energy alternative requirment besides the methane needed in Indonesia. This factory will reduce the dependence to foreign industries besides it can be exported to the other countries that will increase our foreign exchanger. It will be built in Cikarang, Bekasi. Raw material, which is called manure, are from cattle waste which can be obtained from some catties around the factory. The reaction of the manure to be biogas is a fermentation reaction process which the operation is run in the isothermal condition, 38 °C and 1 atm. The raw material needed is 163126.83 kg/hour and water (H₂O) are 28084.96 kg/hour. The convertion of the reaction is 85% and the equipments are fermenter reactor, absorber, stripper, dan Knock Out Drum. The process of production is supported by utilities unit that consists of water supply process 489996.2858 kg/hour, steam supply process 14932.1910 kg/hour, electricity suppy process 623.1790 kW and fuel supply process 1374.5494 kg/hour. Water used in water supply process is taken from river near the factory. This factory is planned to be built in the 150.000 m² of area. The man power for this factory consists of 216 employees. The result of the economic analysis shows that the fixed capital investment (FCI) needed to build this LMG factory is Rp 1.650.940.922.931,95, the work cost (WC) is Rp 330.446.137.748,50, the benefit before tax per year is Rp 511.676.805.731,34 and the benefit after tax per year is Rp 255.838.402.865,67. While percent return on investment (ROI) before and after tax are 30.993 % and 15.4965 %, respectively. Pay out time (POT) before tax is 2.4394 years and after tax is 3.9221 years, break event point (BEP) is 41.2003 %, shut downpoint (SDP) is 16.5369 %, and Discounted Cash Flow (DCF) 30,34 %. Finally, based on The result of economic analisys it can be concluded that the factory of Liquified Methane gas is very interesting to be built.en_US
dc.publisherUniversitas Islam Indonesiaen_US
dc.subjectPra Rancanganen_US
dc.subjectPabrik Liquified Methane Gasen_US
dc.subjectKapasitas 1000.000 Ton/Tahunen_US
dc.subjectLimbah Ternaken_US
dc.titlePra Rancangan Pabrik Liquified Methane Gas dari Limbah Ternak dengan Kapasitas 1000.000 Ton/Tahunen_US

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