Consumer loyalty toward a service has a close relation with the consumer’s level of satisfaction as a user. The attitude wherein the loyalty is influenced by the consumer’s satisfaction as well as dissatisfaction with the time of service within a certain period of time. Badan Penyelenggara Jaminan Sosial (BPJS) is a social security agency so that with this system, the financial risk that is faced by a person, either in a productive age, sick, accident, or even death, will be taken over by the social security agency. Furthermore, BPJS functionates to organize health insurance based on the principle of social insurance and equity. A research with 200 respondents of Peserta BPJS Kesehatan examines the influence of perception toward the service quality, product awareness, and trust toward the member’s loyalty (attitudinal loyalty). Emprical findings show that perception toward the service quality has possitive effect to the member’s satisfaction. Influence shows that the perception of service quality will icrease the level of satisfaction. Then, the variable of product awareness will influence effective commitment in a good way. Product awareness for BPJS Kesehatan will increase effective commitment. Inversely, the member’s trust will influence the effective commitment. But, the high impact toward the trust will decrease the effective commitment in the amount. Next, member’s satisfaction takes possitive effect toward the loyalty. The increasing level of satisfaction will rise loyalty. Key word : Quality of Service, product knowledge, trust, attitude loyalty