ABSTRAK Penelitian ini meneliti masalah tingginya tingkat keinginan berpindahan karyawan pada perusahaan perbankan. Adanya efek negatif dari perpindahan staf perbankan seperti biaya pelatihan dan rekrutmen menjadikan permasalahan ini menjadi perhatian. Salah satu alasan yang mendasari adalah adanya faktor keadilan distributif. Penelitian ini menguji hubungan antara keadilan distributif dan keinginan berpindah dengan menambahkan adanya mediasi dan moderasi instrumen promosi dan job performance. Penelitian ini bersifat kuantitatif dan menggunakan survey dengan alat yang berupa kuisioner online. Pengumpulan data menggunakan metode snowball sampling.Sampel penelitian ini adalah karyawan perbankan secara umum sebanyak 139 responden. Analisis data menggunakan metode SPSS 16.00 dengan bantuan moderate regression analysis (MRA) untuk menentukan hubungan antara dua variabel yang dipengaruhi oleh variabel ketiga atau moderating dan linear regression analysis untuk mengetahui pengaruh antara variabel independen terhadap variabel dependen serta perbedaan tingkat pengaruhnya. Berdasarkan penilitian ini, keadilan distributif berpengaruh positif terhadap instrumen promosi, dan instrumen promosi berpengaruh secara negatif terhadap turnover intention. Selanjutnya job performance memoderasi hubungan antara instrumen promosi dan turnover intention. Lalu, keadilan distributif berpengaruh positif terhadapjob performancedanjob performanceberpengaruh negatif terhadapturnover intention. Dan berdasarkan perhitungan analisis jalur,instrumen promosi dan job performance bukan menjadi variabel mediasi hubungan antara keadilan distributif dan keinginan staf perbankan untuk berpindah, oleh karena itu keadilan distributif mempengaruhi keinginan berpindahsecara langsung. Kata kunci: Keadilan Distributif, Instrumen Promosi, Job Performance,Turnover Intention ABSTRACT This study will investigate the problem of the high rate of turnover intentionat the banking company. This problem has negative impact to their company, such as banking staff training and recruitment costs. One of the reasons that underlying that impact is distributive justice.This study tries to examine the relationship between distributive justice and the banking staff turnover intention by adding the mediator and moderator promotion instrument and job performance.The samples are taken from bank employees in general. This research is quantitative and data collection is using online questionnaire with snowballsampling method which involved 139 respondents. Data analysis using SPSS for 16.00 with the help of moderate regression analysis (MRA) to determine the relationship between two variables that are affected by the moderating variables and linear regression analysis to determine the effect of independent variables on the dependent variable and the different levels of influence. Based on this research, distributive justice has a positive relation with promotionand promotion and turnover intention have a negative relation. Then,job performance can be a moderate between promotion instrument and turnover intention relationship. Next result is, distributive justice has a positive relation with job performance, and job performance and turnover intention has a negative relation. Last, Based on path analysis, promotion and job performance instruments cannot mediate the relationship between distributive justice and turnover intention of banking staff, therefore distributive justice have a directly affect with turnover intentions. Key word: Distributive Justice, Promotion instrumentality, Job Performance,Turnover Intention