Anxiety ( Anxiety) is a restlessness, a feeling of discomfort which is not easy or accompanied by autonomic responses, the source often nonspecific or uknown to the individual, the feeling of apprehension caused by anticipation of denger. Anxiety also usually will happen when students of the exam, the exam is a benchmark for the success of these students in the formative. Objective : To determine the level of anxiety is there any difference in the exam skills between male and female medical students of the faculty of medicine at the Islamic university of Indonesia force 2015. Methods : The study used descriptive cross sectional analytic approach. Data taken by distributing questionnaires to students who will face the test OSCE.Quetionnaires were distributed to the Eysenck Personality Inventory.analysis using chi _ square with significance level . = 0,05. Results : Women experience more severe anxiety then men (women : severe anxiety 40 people ( 35,7%), and mild anxiety 12people (14,3%). Males : anxiety weight of 18 people (16,1%) and mild anxiety 38 people (33,9%), p = 0,000) Conclusion : There are differences in anxiety levels between men and women in the exam OSCE of medical students of the Faculty Of Nedicine At The Islamic University Of Indonesia force 2015. Where women are more anxious than men. Keywords :Anxiety,OSCE