This study aims to determine the effect of motivation on the relationship moderation financial compensation and non-financial compensation to performance. The sample was 30 (thirty) DNA Taxi drivers Magelang. This research method is quantitative approach, the method of data collection using the questionnaire. The results showed that: (1) There is a significant influence in partial compensation for work motivation of drivers; (2) There is significant influence compensation variables simultaneously on work motivation of drivers; (3) There is no influence between variable compensation partially on the performance of the driver; (4) There is influence significant motivation variables on the performance of the driver; (5) There is a significant influence compensation variables simultaneously to driver performance; (6) Based on the test path analysis, the results of the effect of direct and indirect compensation (X) on the performance (Y) through motivation (Z) obtained the result that the direct effect is smaller than the indirect effect, (7) Based on the analysis of the demographics of the respondents can be concluded that the majority of drivers to be male, have been married status, aged between 22-26 years, has been working for 2-5 years, and has an average daily income of Rp 50,000 - Rp 100,000 Keyword: Motivation, Compensation Finance, Compensation Non Financial, Performance