Jogokerten district. Sleman Yogyakarta has two RW (Rukun Warga). It have get a cleaned water by utilizing springs in the river flow Bedog for RW 13 and Klegen area to RW 14. Jogokerten own pipeline from the spring to the consumer with a gravitation system. To RW 13 optimally have served but did not of RW 14, because majority of residents use ground water. Evaluation supply system is needed with the aim of seeing the optimization of water and comparison with the existing conditions according to design criteria PERMEN PU NO. 8 TAHUN 2007. The quantity of the Bedog water spring is 0,87l / sec with volumetric method. The existing reservoir size 3x4x2,5 at daily needs with the volume of the reservoir which is 25m3> 15m3. Evaluation of the existing pipeline network in using EPANET 2.0 software with 26 junctions and 32 pipe. The existing diameter pipe sizes 60mm and 32 mm of PVC pipe. For the pressure and velocity are not standart but headloss in accordance with the standards. Network development planning to 100% of service over for next five years. Scenario done is the addition of a new debit 0,57 L/sec by optimized Klegen water springs, additional pumps, the efficiency of the existing network, and addition the junction to served RW 14. The total cost of network development is Rp. 158.933.969,00. Keyword: Jogokerten district, Existing Area, and Network Development