WHO (World Health Organization) noted of Indonesia as the country with the highest dengue cases in Southeast Asia. High dengue cases is inseparable from the existence of the Aedes aeqypti larva. The existence of larva can be influenced by many factors such as knowledge, attitudes, actions and routines regarding dengue. The purpose of the research was to determine the relationship of knowledge,attitudes, actions and routines of the existence of larva in Godean. The study design used is cross sesctional descriptive analytic conducted in May – June 2015 in Godean. Samples are 115 respondents. The processing data use a statistical analysis of univariate and bivariate with a test of significance of 5%. If the P value < 0,05 there is a relationship between the sociodemographic for the actions and there is a relationship betweeen knowledge, attitudes, actions and routines to the existence larvae. The Results showed that 18,3% of the houses there are larvae. Research show that there is a relationship between job actions for the action PSN-DBD (p=0,005), and there is no relationship between age (p=0,305), education (p=0,539), income (p=0,163) againts action PSN-DBD. The results also suggest there is a relationship between the actions againts the existence of larva (p=0,000) and there was no correlation between knowledge (p=0,977), attitude (p=0,219), routine (p=0,550) with the existence of larvae. Keywords: Dengue hemorrhagic fever (DHF), Knowledge, Attitude, Action, Routines, Existence Larva, Cross Sectional .