This results employs time series techniques to analyse the effect of foreign direct investment on economy growth in Indonesia. The study uses annual data over the period 1980-2014. The dependent variable is gross domestic product (GDP) per capita, while the independent variables of foreign direct investment (FDI), domestic investment (DCI) and the degree of openness economy derived from exports plus imports. The study uses Error Correction Model (ECM) method. The results of the unit root test Augmented Dickey Fuller (ADF) non-stationary at the same level, variable degree of economy openness significant in the level while the other variables significant in the first difference, so can not use ECM method. The results uses Autoregressive Distributed Lag (ARDL) method , and it finds no long run relationship between variable and only short term relationship between variable. Short-term results obtained changes GDP per capita in lag one significant and positive effect on changes in economy growth, changes FDI in the lag 0 has no effect and no significant on changes in economy growth, because of barriers such as licensing is difficult, large licensing costs. Changes in domestic investment to lag 0 and log 1 has no effect and no significant effect on changes in economic growth, because of licensing bureaucracy in areas that are difficult, the quality of infrastructure inadequate. While changes in the the degree of openness economy that effect the lag 0 negative effect and significant for imports greater than exports, to lag 2 positive and significant effect on the changes in economy growth, to lag 1 does not affect the changes in economy growth because of the degree of openness economy is not the biggest factor in economy growth. Keywords: foreign direct investment, domestic investment, the degree of openness economy