This study, entitled Career Woman Entrepreneur (Biography Studies Leadership Women in Family Business Department Stores in Magelang). The purpose of this research is 1) To know the process of Ms. Nurul Widayati become a leader in the department store Safaat, 2) Knowing the picture of leadership Ms. Nurul Widayati, 3) The process of enterprise development, 4) The problems faced in running the business department store Safaat, 5) How Ms. Wiwid overcome problems. This study is a qualitative research, using in-depth interviews with biographical approach. This study uses data collection are interviews, observation and documentation. Resource contained in this research is the Ms. Wiwid, Intercessory department store owner. To determine the validity of the data used to test the credibility and transferability test to indicate the degree of precision. The test data using a triangulation method. Methods of data analysis using data reduction, data display, and conclusion / drawing. This study found that the Ms. Wiwid become leaders through a very long journey, starting from the education of parents, then independent since childhood, participated in the organization of IMM (Muhammadiyah Students Association) during lecture. When started his own business, Mrs. Wiwid always learned from his parents business. Ms. Wiwid never give up, passion and hard work are finally slowly succeeded. Ms. Wiwid very motherly but firmly in the lead. Feminine and masculine sides contained on Mother Wiwid leadership. In business development, Ms. Wiwid only marketing effort by word of mouth because it is considered an effective way. For barriers experienced, Ms. Wiwid experiencing internal obstacles, namely the problem of sharing time with family, diverse employees in the company, and slumped in the business world who barely made Ms. Wiwid business went bankrupt. Keywords: The process of becoming a leader, female leadership, business development, and business issues