This study aimed to compare the performance of Bank Syariah Conventional Banks in Indonesia in the period 2011-2014 using financial ratios. Financial ratios used consisted of CAR, NPL or NPF, NPM, ROA, ROE, and LDR or FDR. The data used in this study was obtained from the Commercial Bank Financial Report 2011 to 2014 issued by each bank concerned. After passing through the stage of purposive sample, then the sample is worth using as many as eight samples, 4 Conventional Bank (Bank BRI, Bank BNI, Bank BCA and Bank Mandiri), and 4 Islamic Bank (Bank BRI Syariah, Bank BNI Syariah, Bank BCA Syariah and Bank Syariah Mandiri). The analysis technique used to compare the performance of Bank Syariah Conventional Banks is the method Mann-Whitney Test.. The analysis shows that there is a difference for each financial ratio between the Bank Conventional Islamic Banking in Indonesia. Conventional banks better performance in terms of NPL ratio, NPM, ROA, ROE, and LDR, while Bank Syariah better performance in terms of CAR. Keywords: Performance Comparison of Banks, Financial Ratio, Conventional Bank, Mann-Whitney Test.