Kotagede is a central of silver craft products in the province of special region of Yogyakarta. In the silver industry, copper is one of the metals that was mixed with silver to produce a tougher metal and stronger than pure silver. Copper is including a poisonous heavy metal. The liquid waste should be processed first, so that the liquid waste is not risky for the river. This research is intended to know the quality of the groundwater, river water, sediment, and biota around the silver craft industry in Kotagede special region of Yogyakarta that was reviewed of the heavy metal copper. Then compared the heavy metal with the quality standard that has been decreed. This research was tested with the methods of SNI 6989.6:2009 for testing water and destruction methods of Aqua Regia Digestion from U.S.A EPA (Environmental Protection Administration) for testing sediment and biota (fish) by using Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer (AAS). The results of research with AAS is obtained level of Cu in the river water range 0,00258 -0,05811 mg/L, in sediment range 0,191 -19,73 mg/kg, in the groundwater range 0,00263 - 0,03065 mg/L, and in biota (fish) 18,655 mg/kg. Keywords: copper, river water, groundwater, sediment, biota (fish)