Bengkalis Regency is one of regency in Riau province, Indonesia. The areas consists of continent the east of sumatera island and island areas, with 6.975,41 km2 areas. Capital of Bengkalis Regency located in Bengkalis, in fact Bengkalis Island who separated from sumatera island. Bengkalis island located at siak river mouth until there’s statement that Bengkalis island is a siak river delta (Wikipedia, 2015). Bengkalis has a lot of superiority one of them is art of malay in Bengkalis regency. Art of malay in Bengkalis regency devided into a kind of art, such as art of painting and sculpturing, traditional dance, voice, art of music, quatrains, poem, cuplets, drama and art of build. This art is not organize at all, because hasn’t a space to create until this art not popular. That’s the reason why citizen of Bengkalis become lack of interest. To kepp everlasting art of malay, be required space to create who can invent learning system for citizen of Bengkalis to identify and learn about art of malay in Bengkalis. That’s the reason why writer choose cultural center themes in this area. The effort of planning is choose Malay Traditional Culture Center as a title, Malay Traditional Culture Center has some function like a public space, for citizen, education space for learning about art of malay in Bengkalis, theater and space fo facilitating activity of art like a art of painting and sculpturing, traditional dance, voice, art of music, quatrains, poem cooplets, drama and art of build.