In the design of Indonesia in Yogyakarta Basketball Arena is an area that serves to accommodate all the activities of basketball that is supported by some of the public facilities. The problem in this design are related to the condition of Indonesian basketball accomplishments, as well as the emphasis on passive cooling system in an effort to mengurangin cause of global warming through energy saving. The method used in the design of Basketball Arena is divided into several stages, (1) first analyzes the background is an issue and generate two variables of the two major issues, namely the Basketball Arena and passive cooling system. (2) The second is to analyze the data. This phase resulted in extensive orientation and site characteristics designed basketball arena, the application of passive cooling system, as well as standards related air comfort sport of basketball. (3) The third is a schematic design phase. This stage is the synthesis between the site, the space requirement Basketball Arena to support the achievement combined with public facilities, The air needs for sport, as well as the use of elements of the building envelope and technology of wind catcher to get the maximum wind into the building. (4) The fourth phase is to test the design results of the existing designs using mathematical calculations and matched with existing standards related of air, besides testing the design is also done by looking at the existing standards related to human space. (5) The fifth is a result of the final design development phase. he results of this draft Indonesian Basketball Arena and consists of 4 floors. The orientation of the mass of the building facing the East and the West. Building envelope is placed around the building in order to maximize the wind coming into the building. The use of wind technology to help catch the wind catcher from a height that is useful to provide additional incoming air supply. Selection Material, color, and procurement procedures landscape is the carrying capacity for a passive cooling system. Based on the evaluation, building a basketball arena is in compliance with the standard requirements that occur in the area penghawaan sport hall. Based on the results of mathematical calculations, the value of the corresponding exchange of air 3 standards of comfort and health, as well as the wind speed through the openings of 0.3 m / s which makes thermal conditions of space, the better. Keywords : Basketball Indonesia, Passive Cooling, Wind Catcher Proyek Akhir Sarjana | Reiza Orsila Bramistra | 11512204