This study was to analyze the effect of implementation of TQM and ISO 9001 through the quality of service to student satisfaction. Indicator TQM seen from the commitment of top management, the delivery of learning, campus facilities, norms of decency, and student feedback and development simultaneously through the quality of services to satisfaction mahasiswa.The data obtained from a questionnaire with a sample of 86 respondents. Analysis of the data used in this study is the Multiple regression analysis.The results from mediation multiple regression analysis is that there is a positive and significant influence of variables campus facilities, norms of decency, and student feedback and development directly affect student satisfaction while variable commitment of top management and delivery of learning requires service quality variables that affect student satisfaction.The most dominant variable who influence most student satisfaction is a variable norms of decency Keyword : 5 Dimensions of TQM implementation , the commitment of top management , the delivery of learning , campus facilities , norms of decency , feedback and student development , service quality , student satisfaction