Indonesia has various diversities of landscape, and one of them is karst landscape. One of the karst landscape located in south coastal area in Java Island and the most interesting spot is in Jungwok Beach, Gunungkidul, Special District of Yogyakarta. The location is quite remote from settlement, make it unspoiled, natural environment with karst hills and trees. The location is also close to the Wediombo Beach, which also has unique geological features suitable for research and tourism. Karst has its own unique landscape characteristics, and also high potential of ecology and knowledge inside it. Karst is also a natural laboratory that records many important scientific information. However, the entire environment of that natural laboratory did not make it easy for the researchers to dig up that scientific information. It has difficult terrain, make it hard to access it. Also, the location is far from Yogyakarta city where most of the researchers come from, and far from settlements, with no public facilities nor accommodation for the them. Moreover, there are no research laboratory close by the karst landscape. The researchers need to go back and forth from the city to the karst research area. Sometimes they also need to camp to save time, and that is not an easy thing to do. To reconcile these problems, a research center facility is the best solution. With a facility that cover the needs of laboratory close by the nature and also cover their daily needs, will ease the movements and activities of the researchers. The Research Center itself is located in coastal area, near the foothills of karst. Steep contour with terraces become one of the major challenge in the design. To reconcile that, the main building designed with split level concept following the existing contours with minimum harms towards the existing environment. Moreover, the building is west-east oriented as a response to the sun movement. The facility is split into several buildings according to the function, as a response to the wind movement, that also affects the placement of building openings and vegetation on the landscape. The natural environment around the facility become one of the major consideration in the design, affecting the selection of color and material used such as natural limestone and brown wood color. Lastly, using vertical steel bar create the feel of the natural environment with tall trees surrounding them. Keywords: Research Center, research, karst, nature vii