The quality of groundwater is determined by physical, chemical and biological properties of the water. Physical property consistent of TSS. Chemical property consistent of pH, Pb, BOD, COD. Biologycal property consistent of bacterial coliform total and escherichia coli. This research aims to analyze the quality of well water around the landfill Piyungan Bantul district in terms of content of COD, BOD, TSS, Ecoli, Total coliform, Pb. Research methods used in this research is a method of sampling well water that is 100-500 meters by means of analysis of water quality parameters in the laboratory. Data analysis the results of the laboratory test sample water well done in a descriptive. The research results showed that on a sample of the well 1 has a high concentration of the sample compared to other wells on the parameters of BOD, COD, total coliform and escherichia coli beyond the limits that has been set by the regulations of the Governor of Yogyakarta special region Number 20 in 2008, concentrations in May of 65.31 mg/l for COD, value of BOD content 57,56 mg/l, value of total coliform content 460 MPN/100 m, value e coli content 28 MPN/100 m. Profile of the dissemination of quality water wells around the landfill showed that the spread of its parameters have a much higher concentration when it is adjacent to the landfill. Results of the study showed no relationship between COD (p = 0,118), BOD (p = 0,200), Pb (p = 0,101), TSS (p = 0,119), pH (p = 0,200), total coli (p = 0,143), e. coli (p = 0.000) and distance to landfill Piyungan wells. Keywords: Landfill Piyugan Water Quality, Water Well