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dc.contributor.authorCahyana, Sina Mulia
dc.description.abstractLGBT is a very controversial topic, not only from an academic point of view, but also from a pragmatic reality in society. LGBT is often underestimated and considered an unimportant thing in scientific literature, especially among religious people who expressly state that LGBT is haraam. The reason is simple, LGBT is a form of strangeness and an effort against God's destiny. LGBT In the view of Islam, homosexuality is a despicable act and a serious violation of human dignity and dignity as the highest creation of Allah, as required by Allah SWT and Allah's Messenger in the Al-Qur'an and Hadith. In line with the pros and cons of LGBT in the community in Indonesia, LGBT groups continue to unite and try to fight for their rights, by building communities and then becoming an organisation, one of which is the People Like Us-Satu Hati community in Jogjakarta. In general, LGBT groups under the auspices of "Human Rights" ask the community and the State to recognise the existence of the community. Descrimination and violence against the LGBT community are still rampant in Indonesia. The People Like Us-Satu Hati Jogjakarta community, especially those in Jogjakarta with other communities, is trying to advocate against discrimination issues. Through his advocacy with the aim of fighting for LGBT rights in Jogjakarta. Based on the research that has been done, the researcher concluded that the results of the research remain the same. In the view of Islamic Law Advocacy carried out by the LGBT community which is an effort made by LGBT groups to fight for their rights in Islamic law which is clearly opposed. similar that has been explained and explained in the Verses of the Qur'an and hadith. Sheikh Zakariya Al-Ansari explained what has been explained by It should be noted that all activities that help the continuation of legal security are haraam. The same thing is if helping the advocacy means supporting the welfare and opposing religious teachings.en_US
dc.publisherUniversitas Islam Indonesiaen_US
dc.subjectislamic lawen_US
dc.titleStrategy Advocacy of The People Like Us Satu Hati Yogyakarta (PLUSH) Community in The Review Islamic Lawen_US

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