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dc.contributor.authorAriqah, Putri
dc.description.abstractThe presence of Corona Virus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) has brought significant impact on human life, such as in the fields of economic, social, law and politic. Through the Presidential Decree of the Republic of Indonesia Number 12 of 2020 concerning the Designation of Non-Natural Disaster for the Spread of Corona Virus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) as a National Disaster by President Joko Widodo, the government take the action by issued policy related to Work from Home (WHF) with the purpose to reduce the spread of COVID-19 virus, by establishing the work from home policies. In the legal aspect, one of the impacts caused by the WFH policies is to be precise in the application of the trial system called E Litigation. So, because of that, in this paper, I will discuss related to How was the regulation regarding the implementation of E-Litigation in Indonesia during the Pandemic Era? and what are the advantages and disadvantages of Implementation of E-Litigation in Indonesia During the Pandemic Era? The methodology research that will be used in this paper is a normative legal research method in which legal research conducted by examining library materials or secondary data. By this writing, hopefully it can provide information to the society, government and law enforcement officials to be aware of advantages and disadvantages of the implementation of E-Litigation in Indonesia during the pandemic era and hopefully there will be improvements to the deficiencies faced in the application of the E-Litigation system in this pandemic era.en_US
dc.publisherFH UII Pressen_US
dc.titleAdvantages and Disadvantages of The Implementation of E-Litigation in Indonesia During the Pandemic Eraen_US

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