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dc.contributor.advisorYunan Najamuddin
dc.contributor.authorHerdita Sulistiorini, 97312124
dc.description.abstractSulistiorini, Herdita. (2005). Accounting Recognation System in Human Resource in PT Radio Swaragama Yogjakarta. Yogyakarta: Department of Accounting. Internationa Program. Economic Faculty Islamic University of Idonesia. In competitive Business environment, measuring the activity ofa business only based conventional monetary measurement is no longer appropriate, because, there are factors connected with the business activity. Human Resource is one of the main capitals in a business to measure the success ofa business. But Human Resource here not only seen in quantity, but it also seen in the quality of the Human Resource. Human Resource include in intangible resource. But, by giving more supply for them, such as training , company can include their Human resource as asset that will give more profit to the business in the future. Good quality of Human Resource will give bigger profit and of course the company will achieve their objective. But to get good quality ofHuman Resource, ofcourse company have to sacrifice some amount in order to organize training, so the asset of the company will be increase.en_US
dc.publisherUniversitas Islam Indonesiaen_US
dc.subjectAccounting Recognation Systemen_US
dc.subjectHuman Resourceen_US
dc.subjectPT Radio Swaragama Yogyakartaen_US
dc.titleAccounting Recognation System in Human Resource in PT Radio Swaragama Yogyakartaen_US

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